vb 遍歷資料夾 與遍歷檔案

2021-06-16 08:29:29 字數 1065 閱讀 6847

public sub search_wenjian() '遍歷檔案 獲得檔名稱

dim spath as string


spath = dir(path, vbdirectory) '查詢第乙個資料夾

do while len(spath) '迴圈到沒有資料夾為止

if left(spath, 1) <> "." then '為了防止重複查詢

if getattr(path & "\" & spath) and vbdirectory then '如果是資料夾則。。。。。。

folder_num = folder_num + 1

'folder(b) = path & spath & "\" '將目錄和資料夾名稱組合形成新的目錄,並存放到陣列中

folder_file(folder_num - 1) = spath

'folder_file_path(folder_num - 1) = path & spath & "\"

end if

end if

spath = dir '查詢下乙個資料夾

doevents '讓出控制權


end sub

public sub search_file_in_folder(folder_name as string) '遍歷指定資料夾下的所有文字檔案

dim files() as string

dim a as integer

filetype = "*.*"

spath = dir(folder_name & filetype) '查詢第乙個檔案

do while len(spath) '迴圈到沒有檔案為止

a = a + 1

redim preserve files(1 to a)

files(a) = path & spath '將檔案目錄和檔名組合,並存放到陣列中

spath = dir '查詢下乙個檔案

doevents '讓出控制權


end sub

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