
2021-06-16 05:15:54 字數 3926 閱讀 2864


webbench  和  apache自帶的一款外掛程式ab





-c concurrency  number of multiple requests to make


-t timelimit    seconds to max. wait for responses


-b windowsize   size of tcp send/receive buffer, in bytes

-p postfile     file containing data to post. remember also to set -t





server software:        gws


server hostname:        www.google.com


server port:            80

document path:          /

document length:        458 bytes

concurrency level:      10


time taken for tests:   0.265 seconds


complete requests:      10


failed requests:        0

write errors:           0

non-2xx responses:      10

total transferred:      12890 bytes

html transferred:       4580 bytes


requests per second:    37.71 [#/sec] (mean)


time per request:       265.207 [ms] (mean)


time per request:       26.521 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)

transfer rate:          47.46 [kbytes/sec] received

connection times (ms)

min  mean[+/-sd] median   max

connect:       83   93   7.3     95     104

processing:   125  145  10.7    145     166

waiting:      125  145  10.8    145     166

total:        208  239  16.9    242     265


percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)

50%    242

66%    246

75%    252

80%    255

90%    265

95%    265

98%    265

99%    265

100%    265 (longest request)

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