'/ '/ 金額小寫變大寫
'/ '/
'/ public shared function gmoney(smallnum as decimal) as string
dim cmoney, cnumber, cnum, cnum_end, cmon, cno, snum, sno as string
dim snum_len, sint_len, cbegin, zflag, i as integer
if smallnum > 1000000000000.touint32() or smallnum < - 99999999999.touint32() or smallnum = 0 then
return ""
end if
cmoney = "仟佰拾億仟佰拾萬仟佰拾元角分" ' 大寫人民幣單位字串
cnumber = "壹貳叄肆伍陸柒捌玖" ' 大寫數字字串
cnum = "" ' 轉換後的大寫數字字串
cnum_end = "" ' 轉換後的大寫數字字串的最後一位
cmon = "" ' 取大寫人民幣單位字串中的某一位
cno = "" ' 取大寫數字字串中的某一位
snum = round(smallnum, 2).tostring("############.00") ' 小寫數字字串
snum_len = snum.length ' 小寫數字字串的長度
sint_len = snum_len - 2 ' 小寫數字整數部份字串的長度
sno = "" ' 小寫數字字串中的某個數字字元
cbegin = 15 - snum_len ' 大寫人民幣單位中的漢字位置
zflag = 1 ' 小寫數字字元是否為0(0=0)的判斷標誌
i = 0 ' 小寫數字字串中數字字元的位置
if snum_len > 15 then
return ""
end if
for i = 0 to snum_len - 1
if i = sint_len - 1 then
goto continuefor1
end if
cmon = cmoney.substring(cbegin, 1)
cbegin = cbegin + 1
sno = snum.substring(i, 1)
if sno = "-" then
cnum = cnum + "負"
goto continuefor1
if sno = "0" then
cnum_end = cnum.substring(cnum.length - 2, 1)
if cbegin = 4 or(cbegin = 8 or cnum_end.indexof("億") >= 0 or cbegin = 12) then
cnum = cnum + cmon
if cnumber.indexof(cnum_end) >= 0 then
zflag = 1
zflag = 0
end if
zflag = 0
end if
goto continuefor1
if sno <> "0" and zflag = 0 then
cnum = cnum + "零"
zflag = 1
end if
end if
end if
cno = cnumber.substring(system.convert.toint32(sno) - 1, 1)
cnum = cnum + cno + cmon
next i
if snum.substring(snum.length - 2, 1) = "0" then
return cnum + "整"
return cnum
end if
end function 'gmoney
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