用C語言實現物件導向程式設計 一

2021-06-12 08:38:40 字數 1871 閱讀 7252




object-oriented support macros(oosm)

oosm is an object-oriented support macros, it makes the c programming language

with object-oriented programming capabilities.

lw_oopc( means

light-weight object-oriented programming in c, written by misoo team,

it is a very outstanding works!

oosm inherits the essence of lw_oopc and crops to retain the basic features.

oosm written by turingo studio,

but anyone can copies modifies, and distributes it freely.

hansome sun(hansome.sun@gmail.com)

january 18, 2013

*/#ifndef __oosm_h__

#define __oosm_h__

#include #define class(type) \

typedef struct type type; \

type* type##_new(void); \

void type##_constructor(type* t); \

int type##_destructor(type* t); \

void type##_delete(type* t); \

struct type

#define inte***ce(type) \

typedef struct type type; \

struct type

#define extends(type) type type

#define implements(type) type type

#define constructor(type) \

type* type##_new(void) \\\

void type##_constructor(type* this)

#define destructor(type) \

void type##_delete(type* this) \\\

int type##_destructor(type* this)


#include #include "imeas.h"

#include "ccirc.h"

#include "crect.h"

#include "csqua.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv)


C語言 實現 物件導向程式設計 OOC

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