error setting up inter-process communications for kde
could not read network connection list.
please check the
program is running.
1) in terminal run the command:
$ sudo ls ~/.kde -altrh
$ sudo chown -r username:username ~/.kde
=> generally, it can solve the problem.
2) this was fixed by removing the .ice* and .dco* files and rebooting:
bob$cd /home/bob
$rm *.iceauthority
$rm *.dcopserver
$su# reboot
these files are recreated in next kde login
3) how to see the port of the connection of vnc.
=> vncserver uses tcp port from 5900:
desktop number: 1 -> 5901
desktop number: 2 -> 5902
so in terminal run next command:
$ netstat -na | grep 590
就這個最靠譜 複製一下,以防萬一那邊掛了 費勁周折終於安裝最新的centos 7 安裝的是kde桌面後沒有中文,可以用以下方法配置中文 yumlist kde chinese 會顯示可以安裝的包,我的顯示如下 kde l10n chinese.noarch 4.5.5 1.fc14 updates ...
Oracle HttpServer 無法啟動的問題
錯誤 事件檢視器 fastcgiserver redefinition of a previously defined fastcgi server e oracle ora92 bin isqlplus syntax error on line 92 of e oracle ora92 sqlpl...
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