#include #pragma comment(lib, "guids.lib")
void cgetdisplaymemdlg::onbutton1()
ddcaps ddcaps;
ddcaps.dwsize = sizeof ddcaps;
lpdd->getcaps(&ddcaps, null);
dword dwmem = ddcaps.dwvidmemtotal;
int imem = dwmem/1008/1008;
cstring strmem;
strmem.format(_t("display memory is %d mb"),imem);
在伺服器上跑深度學習 時,構造了乙個 256,100,100 的張量,但顯示 resource exhausted oom when allocating tensor with shape 600 and type float on job localhost replica 0 task 0 d...
mfc 獲取顯示卡資訊
void cgetsysinfo getdisplaycardinfo dword dwnum,cstring chcardname 儲存keyserv下各子項的欄位名稱 逐個列舉keyserv下的各子項字段儲存到name中 lresult regenumkeyex keyserv,i,name,s...
CUDA入門2 獲取顯示卡引數
ifndef cudainput h define cudainput h include cuda runtime.h include device launch parameters.h include typedef enum ci result class input engine endi...