string emailstr = @"^([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-za-z]|[0-9])(\]?)$";
/// /// 非同步傳送電子郵件
/// 傳送方電子郵件
/// 傳送方電子郵件密碼
/// 接收方電子郵件
/// 郵件標題
/// 郵件內空
/// 郵件型別 smtp.163.com.cn; smtp.qq.com.cn; smtp.126.com.cn; smtp.sina.com.cn
private void sendemailasync(string fromemail, string frompwd, string toemail, string subject, string body, string emailtype)
networkcredential nc = new networkcredential(fromemail, frompwd);
smtpclient smtp = new smtpclient(emailtype);
smtp.usedefaultcredentials = false;
smtp.credentials = nc;
smtp.enablessl = false;
smtp.deliverymethod = smtpdeliverymethod.network;
smtp.sendcompleted+=new sendcompletedeventhandler(smtp_sendcompleted);
smtp.sendasync(mm, "ok");
}void smtp_sendcompleted(object sender, asynccompletedeventargs e)
傳送電子郵件 param emaillist 的物件 param data 傳送的資料 throws ioexception throws addres ception private void sendemail listemaillist,listdata throws ioexception,...
C 傳送電子郵件 同步
同步傳送電子郵件 傳送方電子郵件 傳送方電子郵件密碼 接收方電子郵件 郵件標題 郵件內空 郵件型別 smtp.163.com.cn smtp.qq.com.cn smtp.126.com.cn smtp.sina.com.cn private void sendemail string fromem...
源 sendemail.py import smtplib from email.mime.text import mimetext msg mimetext the body of the email is here 這裡是你的信件中的內容 msg from ltoddy 163.com 這裡是傳...