
2021-06-08 19:27:42 字數 441 閱讀 4837



exec sp_configure n'show advanced options', n'1'

reconfigure with override

exec sp_configure n'xp_cmdshell', n'1'

reconfigure with override

exec sp_configure n'show advanced options', n'0'

reconfigure with override

*/exec master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp aifumu_db.dbo.afm_productoutput out "c:\test.xls" -c -s"" -u"sa" -p"123456"'


go object storedprocedure dbo outputdata script date 08 04 2010 17 50 53 set ansi nulls on go set quoted identifier on go create procedure dbo outputd...


先用exp匯出空表 exp username password rows n file export.dmp tables rows n表示不匯出資料,如果沒有tables,預設匯出全部使用者表 然後用imp生成表定義檔案 imp username password rows n file expo...


老大寫的sql select tablename o.name,owner user name o.uid tabledescription isnull ptb.value,n fieldid c.colid,fieldname c.name,fieldtype quotename t.name ...