
2021-06-08 06:38:41 字數 3083 閱讀 5516


#include#includelresult callback windowproc(  

hwnd hwnd, // handle to window

uint umsg, // message identifier

wparam wparam, // first message parameter

lparam lparam // second message parameter


int winapi winmain(

hinstance hinstance, // handle to current instance

hinstance hprevinstance, // handle to previous instance

lpstr lpcmdline, // command line

int ncmdshow // show state

) hwnd=createwindow(

text("this is title"), // window name

cw_usedefault, // horizontal position of window

cw_usedefault, // vertical position of window

cw_usedefault, // window width

cw_usedefault, // window height

null, // handle to parent or owner window

null, // menu handle or child identifier

null // window-creation data





return msg.wparam;

} lresult callback windowproc(

hwnd hwnd, // handle to window

uint umsg, // message identifier

wparam wparam, // first message parameter

lparam lparam // second message parameter


return defwindowproc(hwnd,umsg,wparam,lparam);



#include#includelresult callback windowproc(  

hwnd hwnd, // handle to window

uint umsg, // message identifier

wparam wparam, // first message parameter

lparam lparam // second message parameter


int winapi winmain(

hinstance hinstance, // handle to current instance

hinstance hprevinstance, // handle to previous instance

lpstr lpcmdline, // command line

int ncmdshow // show state

) hwnd=createwindow(

text("this is title"), // window name

cw_usedefault, // horizontal position of window

cw_usedefault, // vertical position of window

cw_usedefault, // window width

cw_usedefault, // window height

null, // handle to parent or owner window

null, // menu handle or child identifier

null // window-creation data





return msg.wparam;

} lresult callback windowproc(

hwnd hwnd, // handle to window

uint umsg, // message identifier

wparam wparam, // first message parameter

lparam lparam // second message parameter


return defwindowproc(hwnd,umsg,wparam,lparam);


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