create report crm_check_distribution_status in package crm_dataexchange.
title check and correct distribution status
type 1 executable program
status p sap standard production program
maintain the following selection texts:
name text dictionary ref.
obj_id transaction number x
prtype transaction type x
p_check test mode
1.建立銷售訂單使用的bapi bapi salesorder createfromdat2 但是 business object限制為 bus2032 使用fm data lv objtype type oj name ls header sd doc cat為銷售訂單型別,即型別為 vbak v...
銷售訂單 出庫 發運確認
declare parameter for wsh deliveries action p api version number number 1.0 p init msg list varchar2 30 x msg count number x msg data var...
修改銷售訂單 備註
data salesdocument like bapivbeln vbelnvalue 0000000011 order header inx like bapisdh1x,it return like bapiret2 occurs 0with header line,it order item...