
2021-06-07 03:21:39 字數 1995 閱讀 1212

set ansi_nulls on

set quoted_identifier on

gocreate procedure [dbo].[getdatawithpage]

@tablename nvarchar(max), --表名

@fields nvarchar(max), --各欄位

@where nvarchar(max), --條件語句

@orderby nvarchar(max), --排序

@groupby nvarchar(max), --歸組

@pageindex int, --當前頁

@pagesize int --每頁數量


-- set nocount on added to prevent extra result sets from

-- interfering with select statements.

set nocount on; --設定nocount

declare @beginindex int --查詢開始位置

declare @endindex int --查詢結束位置

declare @sql nvarchar(max) --要執行的sql 語句

declare @sqlcount nvarchar(max) --計算記錄數的sql 語句

declare @groupbystring nvarchar(max) --分組語句

if(@where = '') begin

set @where = '1 = 1'

endselect @beginindex = (@pageindex - 1) * @pagesize

select @endindex = @pageindex * @pagesize

if(@groupby <> n'') begin

set @groupbystring = n' group by ' + @groupby

end else begin

set @groupbystring = n' '

endset @sql = n'


with thetable as(

select ' + @fields + ', row_number() over(order by ' + @orderby + ') as rownumber

from ' + @tablename + '

where ' + @where + ' ' + @groupbystring + '

)select *

from thetable

where rownumber > ' + convert(nvarchar(255), @beginindex) + '

and rownumber <= ' + convert(nvarchar(255), @endindex) + '


set @sqlcount = n'


with thetable as(

select row_number() over(order by ' + @orderby + ') as rownumber

from ' + @tablename + ' where ' + @where + ' ' + @groupbystring + '

)select count(*) as [rows] from thetable


print @sql

--print @sqlcount

execute sp_executesql @sql

execute sp_executesql @sqlcount


set ansi_nulls on

set quoted_identifier on


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