
2021-06-06 13:49:42 字數 4834 閱讀 4002

select d.name



,a.[type_desc]  ,

'begin try

if object_id('''+quotename(d.name)+'.'+quotename(c.name)+''') is not null and

not exists(select 1 from sys.indexes

where name ='''+a.name+''')


when a.is_primary_key=1


'alter table '+quotename(d.name)+'.'+quotename(c.name)+' add  constraint '+quotename(a.name)+' primary key '+a.[type_desc]+' ('+


(select ','+t2.name+' '+(case when t1.is_descending_key=1 then 'desc' else 'asc' end) from sys.index_columns t1

inner join sys.all_columns t2 on t1.object_id=a.object_id and t1.index_id=a.index_id

and t1.object_id=t2.object_id and t1.column_id=t2.column_id and t1.key_ordinal>0

order by t1.index_column_id

for xml path('')


' collate   chinese_prc_ci_ai_ws

when a.is_unique=1


'alter table '+quotename(d.name)+'.'+quotename(c.name)+' add  constraint '+quotename(a.name)+' unique '+

convert(varchar,a.[type_desc])+' ('+


(select ','+t2.name+' '+(case when t1.is_descending_key=1 then 'desc' else 'asc' end) from sys.index_columns t1

inner join sys.all_columns t2 on t1.object_id=a.object_id and t1.index_id=a.index_id

and t1.object_id=t2.object_id and t1.column_id=t2.column_id and t1.key_ordinal>0

order by t1.index_column_id

for xml path('')


'+(case when exists

(select 1 from sys.index_columns t1

inner join sys.all_columns t2 on t1.object_id=a.object_id and t1.index_id=a.index_id

and t1.object_id=t2.object_id and t1.column_id=t2.column_id and t1.key_ordinal=0)

then 'include('+


(select ','+t2.name from sys.index_columns t1

inner join sys.all_columns t2 on t1.object_id=a.object_id and t1.index_id=a.index_id

and t1.object_id=t2.object_id and t1.column_id=t2.column_id and t1.key_ordinal=0

order by t1.index_column_id

for xml path('')


else '' end)

collate   chinese_prc_ci_ai_ws


'create '+a.[type_desc]+' index '+quotename(a.name)+' on '+quotename(d.name)+'.'+quotename(c.name)+' ('+


(select ','+t2.name+' '+(case when t1.is_descending_key=1 then 'desc' else 'asc' end) from sys.index_columns t1

inner join sys.all_columns t2 on t1.object_id=a.object_id and t1.index_id=a.index_id

and t1.object_id=t2.object_id and t1.column_id=t2.column_id and t1.key_ordinal>0

order by t1.index_column_id

for xml path('')


'+(case when exists

(select 1 from sys.index_columns t1

inner join sys.all_columns t2 on t1.object_id=a.object_id and t1.index_id=a.index_id

and t1.object_id=t2.object_id and t1.column_id=t2.column_id and t1.key_ordinal=0)

then 'include('+


(select ','+t2.name from sys.index_columns t1

inner join sys.all_columns t2 on t1.object_id=a.object_id and t1.index_id=a.index_id

and t1.object_id=t2.object_id and t1.column_id=t2.column_id and t1.key_ordinal=0

order by t1.index_column_id

for xml path('')


else '' end)

collate   chinese_prc_ci_ai_ws

end) +'

end try

begin catch

print  error_message()

end catch

'    ad,

(case when a.is_primary_key=1 or a.is_unique=1


'begin try

alter table '+quotename(d.name)+'.'+quotename(c.name)+' drop constraint '+quotename(a.name)+'

end try

begin catch

print  error_message()

end catch


'begin try

if object_id('''+quotename(d.name)+'.'+quotename(c.name)+''') is not null and

exists(select 1 from sys.indexes

where name ='''+a.name+''')

drop  index '+quotename(a.name)+' on '+quotename(d.name)+'.'+quotename(c.name)+'

end try

begin catch

print  error_message()

end catch

'end) del

,a.* from sys.indexes a

inner join sys.all_objects c on a.object_id=c.object_id and c.type='u'

inner join sys.schemas d on c.schema_id=d.schema_id and a.type_desc in ('clustered','nonclustered')

--where exists(select * from [master].[dbo].[unionall]

--where quotename(sch)+'.'+quotename(tbl)=quotename(d.name)+'.'+quotename(c.name)

-- and a.keys like '%'+col+'%')

--where exists

--(select * from sys.all_columns s1

--inner join sys.index_columns s2 on s1.object_id=s2.object_id and s1.column_id=s2.column_id and s1.object_id=a.object_id

--and exists(select * from [master].[dbo].[unionall]  where db=db_name()

--and tbl=c.name and sch=d.name and col=s1.name))

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