VBA 的全形半形轉換解決方案 中文系統有效

2021-06-06 05:21:20 字數 810 閱讀 4263


function tobanjiao(str as string) as string

dim cha as string

dim i1 as long

dim iasc as long

for i1 = 1 to len(str)

cha = mid(str, i1, 1)

iasc = clng(asc(cha)) + 23680

if iasc < 127 and iasc > 31 then

tobanjiao = tobanjiao & chr(iasc)


tobanjiao = tobanjiao & cha

end if


end function


function toquanjiao(str as string) as string

dim cha as string

dim i1 as long

dim iasc as long

for i1 = 1 to len(str)

cha = mid(str, i1, 1)

iasc = asc(cha)

if iasc < 127 and iasc > 31 then

toquanjiao = toquanjiao & chr(iasc - 23680)


toquanjiao = toquanjiao & cha

end if


end function


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