C 運算子優先順序

2021-06-05 16:41:11 字數 2557 閱讀 4607





1::scope resolution


2++--suffix/postfix increment and decrement

()function call

array subscripting

.element selection by reference

−>element selection through pointer

typeid()run-time type information (see typeid

)const_casttype cast (see const_cast

)dynamic_casttype cast (see dynamic_cast

)reinterpret_casttype cast (see reinterpret_cast

)static_casttype cast (see static_cast)3

++--prefix increment and decrement


+unary plus and minus

!~logical not and bitwise not

(type)type cast

*indirection (dereference)



new,newdynamic memory allocation

delete,deletedynamic memory deallocation

4.*->*pointer to member


5*/%multiplication, division, and remainder

6+addition and subtraction

7<<>>bitwise left shift and right shift

8<<=for relational operators < and ≤ respectively

>>=for relational operators > and ≥ respectively

9==!=for relational = and ≠ respectively

10&bitwise and

11^bitwise xor (exclusive or)

12|bitwise or (inclusive or)

13&&logical and

14||logical or

15?:ternary conditional


16=direct assignment (provided by default for c++ classes)

+=−=assignment by sum and difference

*=/=%=assignment by product, quotient, and remainder

<<=>>=assignment by bitwise left shift and right shift

&=^=|=assignment by bitwise and, xor, and or

17throwthrow operator (exceptions throwing)



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