C 建立多級目錄

2021-06-05 16:11:27 字數 768 閱讀 5198



bool utility::createmultipledirectory(const cstring& szpath)


cstring strtemp;//乙個臨時變數,存放目錄字串

bool bsuccess = false;//成功標誌


for (int i=0;i::const_iterator viter;

int ret = 0;

for (viter = vpath.begin(); viter != vpath.end(); viter++)

// if the createdirectory succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

// if the createdirectory fails, the return value is zero.

// error_already_exists: the specified directory already exists.

if ( 0 != ret || (0 == ret && error_already_exists == getlasterror()) )

return bsuccess;



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