php 多表查詢 語句

2021-06-05 10:48:56 字數 1875 閱讀 4057

-- select * from yonghu where login_name='lhp' and login_pwd='123'

-- select * from juese

-- select * from yonghu  where yonghu_id=1

--select juese_id from juese  where  juese_id=2

-- select * from juese where juese_id in(

--     select juese_id from yonghu_juese  where  yonghu_id=

--              (select yonghu_id  from yonghu where login_name='lhp' and login_pwd='123')      

--       )        

-- select * from yonghu

-- select * from yonghu where login_name='lhp' and login_pwd='123'

-- select * from juese

--select juese_id from yonghu_juese where yonghu_id=1

--select * from juese where juese_id=2

select * from juese

where juese_id  in(

select juese_id from yonghu_juese

where yonghu_id=(

select yonghu_id from yonghu where login_name='cx' and login_pwd='456'


select * from juese j,juese_quanxian jq ,quanxian q

where j.juese_id=jq.juese_id and jq.quanxian_id=q.quanxian_id

select * from juese j ,juese_quanxian jq, quanxuan q where j.juese_id=jq.juese_id and jq.quanxian_id=q.quanxuan_id

select * from quanxuan q,quanxian_caidan qc,caidan c

where q.quanxuan_id=qc.quanxian_id and qc.caidan_id=c.caidan_id      

select y.*,c.* from

yonghu y,yonghu_juese yj,juese j      

,juese_quanxian jq ,quanxuan q      

,quanxian_caidan qc,caidan c

where y.yonghu_id=yj.yonghu_id and yj.juese_id=j.juese_id

and j.juese_id=jq.juese_id and jq.quanxian_id=q.quanxuan_id        

and q.quanxuan_id=qc.quanxian_id and qc.caidan_id=c.caidan_id       

and y.login_name='lhp' and y.login_pwd='123'

select * from v_yonghu_caidan where login_name='jzs' and login_pwd='789'


T SQL語句 多表查詢

1.內連線 內連線 inner join 只返回兩個資料集合之間匹配關係的行,將位於兩個互相交叉的資料集合中重疊部分以內的資料行連線起來。內連線使用比較運算子進行表間某些列資料的比較操作,並列出這些表中與連線相匹配的資料行。select 姓名a, 學校a, ...

6 多表查詢語句

六 多表查詢語句 連線型別 自然連線 natural joins 外連線 outer joins 交叉連線 cross joins 建立自然連線 1 兩個表中所有相同名字的列 2 選取匹配列的相同值 3 列的資料型別要一致 select e.ename,e.job,e.sal,d.dname fro...


多表查詢常涉及到到表連線的問題,主要涉及到內連線 inner join 外連線 left join or left outer join right join or right outer join full join 和交叉連線 cross join inner join 也叫等值鏈結。內連線具有...