
2021-06-05 05:02:18 字數 1082 閱讀 5792


1、 f:\xampp\apache\conf,在該目錄下找到httpd.conf檔案,開啟,找到#loadmodule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so。將前面的注釋符「#」去掉。

2、把f:\xampp\apache\conf\apache conf裡面的allowoverride none改為了allowoverride all,試了一下

## possible values for the options directive are "none", "all",

# or any combination of:

#   indexes includes followsymlinks symlinksifownermatch execcgi multiviews

## note that "multiviews" must be named *explicitly* --- "options all"

# doesn't give it to you.

## the options directive is both complicated and important. please see

# # for more information.

#options indexes followsymlinks includes execcgi

## allowoverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.

# it can be "all", "none", or any combination of the keywords:

#   options fileinfo authconfig limit

#allowoverride all

## controls who can get stuff from this server.

#order allow,deny

allow from all

Zookeeper 的簡潔集群配置

1,配置zookeeper的集群,一般伺服器的個數為奇數,最少3臺。2,首先在每台伺服器上安裝zookeeper,集群的配置需要修改conf中的zoo.cfg檔案,在檔案末尾新增如下內容 server.161 2888 3888 server.162 192.168.1....


開通一年了,希望能提高一下現在的訪問量,網上看到seo的方法很多,有一種辦法就是apache rewrite。看了看drupal手冊裡面有關於簡潔鏈結的配置,需要先將apache的rewrite配置好才能設定drupal的簡潔鏈結的配置,這一點還是很人性的。關於apache rewrite的配置,d...


url重寫是指通過配置conf檔案,以讓 的url中達到某種狀態時則定向 跳轉到某個規則,比如常見的偽靜態 301重定向 瀏覽器定向等 在配置檔案的server塊中寫,如 server server last和break的區別 因為301和302不能簡單的只返回狀態碼,還必須有重定向的url,這就是...