gui 與 pointermanger 繼承關係如下圖它們有乙個共同點是都繼承與iwidgetcreator
同樣為眾多基類的widget class 繼承與這兩個。如圖
virtual widget* basecreatewidget(
widgetstyle _style,
const std::string& _type,
const std::string& _skin,
const intcoord& _coord,
align _align,
const std::string& _layer,
const std::string& _name) = 0;
在widget 建立的時候渲染物件已經被新增到layermanager的layernode 中,if (!_layer.empty())
layermanager::getinstance().attachtolayernode(_layer, widget);
也對layermanager:: 其進行了顯式的呼叫
最終需要呼叫widget* createwidgett(const std::string& _type, const std::string& _skin, const intcoord& _coord, align _align, const std::string& _name = "");
/** see widget::createwidgett(const std::string& _type, const std::string& _skin, const intcoord& _coord, align _align, const std::string& _name = "") */
widget* createwidgett(const std::string& _type, const std::string& _skin, int _left, int _top, int _width, int _height, align _align, const std::string& _name = "");
/** create widget using coordinates relative to parent. see widget::createwidgett(const std::string& _type, const std::string& _skin, const intcoord& _coord, align _align, const std::string& _name = "") */
widget* createwidgetrealt(const std::string& _type, const std::string& _skin, const floatcoord& _coord, align _align, const std::string& _name = "");
/** create widget using coordinates relative to parent. see widget::createwidgett(const std::string& _type, const std::string& _skin, const intcoord& _coord, align _align, const std::string& _name = "") */
widget* createwidgetrealt(const std::string& _type, const std::string& _skin, float _left, float _top, float _width, float _height, align _align, const std::string& _name = "");
// templates for creating widgets by type
/** same as widget::createwidgett but return t pointer instead of widget* */
template t* createwidget(const std::string& _skin, const intcoord& _coord, align _align, const std::string& _name = "")
/** same as widget::createwidgett but return t pointer instead of widget* */
template t* createwidget(const std::string& _skin, int _left, int _top, int _width, int _height, align _align, const std::string& _name = "")
/** same as widget::createwidgetrealt but return t* instead of widget* */
template t* createwidgetreal(const std::string& _skin, const floatcoord& _coord, align _align, const std::string& _name = "")
/** same as widget::createwidgetrealt but return t* instead of widget* */
template t* createwidgetreal(const std::string& _skin, float _left, float _top, float _width, float _height, align _align, const std::string& _name = "")
/** create child widget
@param _type widget type
@param _skin widget skin
@param _coord int coordinates of widget (_left, _top, _width, _height)
@param _align widget align (possible values can be found in enum align)
@param _name if needed (you can use it for finding widget by name later)
*/widget* createwidgett(widgetstyle _style, const std::string& _type, const std::string& _skin, const intcoord& _coord, align _align, const std::string& _layer = "", const std::string& _name = "");
/** same as widget::createwidgett but return t* instead of widget* */
template t* createwidget(widgetstyle _style, const std::string& _skin, const intcoord& _coord, align _align, const std::string& _layer = "", const std::string& _name = "")
進行建立!widget* widget::basecreatewidget(widgetstyle _style, const std::string& _type, const std::string& _skin, const intcoord& _coord, align _align, const std::string& _layer, const std::string& _name)
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