set encoding=utf-8
set fileencoding=utf-8
"syntax highlight
syntax enable
syntax on
colorscheme desert
"here to set line number
set nu
"here to set indent
set autoindent
set cindent
"here to set tab
set tabstop=4
set softtabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
"here to set hightlight search result
set hlsearch
"here to set show bracket match
set showmatch
"here to set instant search
set incsearch
"here to set ignore case for search
set ignorecase
"here to set status lines of each window
set ruler
vundle 配置 set nocompatible filetype off set rtp vim bundle vundle.vim call vundle begin plugin vundlevim vundle.vim vim 外掛程式管理 plugin spf13 vim colors...
乙個簡單的vim配置檔案,留下備用,修改配置檔案永久生效,vim vimrc set nocompatible 關閉 vi 相容模式 syntax on 自動語法高亮 set number 顯示行號 set cursorline 突出顯示當前行 set ruler 開啟狀態列標尺 set shift...
設定行行 set nu set tabstop 4 set shiftwidth 4 set is set si set ai set hlsearch 取消自動備份,這樣就不會有以 結尾的檔案了 這是備份檔案,如果你覺得多餘的話可以加上下面一句 set nobackup 總是顯示當開啟的檔案的名字...