C 自定義MessageBox 按鈕的Text

2021-06-03 00:55:58 字數 943 閱讀 3816

using system;

using system.drawing;

using system.runtime.interopservices;

using system.text;

using system.windows.forms;

namespace sphinx.utils

public static dialogresult show(string text, string caption, messageboxbuttons buttons,

messageboxicon icon, messageboxdefaultbutton defaultbutton, string buttontitles)

class messageform : form


}public messageform(messageboxbuttons buttons, string buttontitles)

protected override void onshown(eventargs e)

protected override void wndproc(ref system.windows.forms.message m)

base.wndproc(ref m);

}private void checkmsgbox()

}// get the handle of next control in current window.

h = nativewin32api.getwindow(h, gw_hwndnext);}}

}public const int gw_child = 5;

public const int gw_hwndnext = 2;

public class nativewin32api}}


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