
2021-06-02 20:24:34 字數 531 閱讀 6147

function searchfile() as arraylist

dim doc as string

dim c as integer

dim arr as new arraylist

c = 0

doc = dir(path, vbdirectory) ' 查詢目錄中第乙個資料夾名稱

do while doc <> ""

' 跳過當前的目錄及上層目錄

if doc <> "." and doc <> ".." then

if (getattr(path + doc) and vbdirectory) = vbdirectory then        '如果找到的是目錄/資料夾,繼續查詢子項


c = c + 1

end if


end if

doc = dir() ' 查詢下乙個目錄


return arr

end sub


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