
2021-06-02 20:00:28 字數 665 閱讀 3609

如果有一段英文,如:i am a student. my name is aaa. i like to swim, play basketball and play football.這裡面有逗號、有點號,或者還有其他符號(但如果遇到單引號,如my father's 中的father's要單獨作為乙個單詞),請問要怎樣才能把每個單詞單獨分開來?

//給你寫了小例子 自己看看吧~~ 


public class stringtestone }}

///out put:

1: i

2: am

3: a

4: student

5: my

6: name

7: is

8: aaa

9: i

10: like

11: yes

12: i

13: am

14: sure

15: to

16: swim

17: play

18: basketball

19: and

20: play

21: football

22: my

23: father's

24: football


1 substring 擷取字串 第一種是 string substring int startindex 第二種是 string substring int startindex,int endindex 2 concat 連線兩個字串 3 replace 替換 第一種形式用乙個字元在呼叫字串中所...


substring 它有兩種形式,第一種是 string substring int startindex 第二種是 string substring int startindex,int endindex concat 連線兩個字串 replace 替換它有兩種形式,第一種形式用乙個字元在呼叫字串...


size large size head 預設顯示10行 head file1 head n 15 file1 顯示15行 同 lines 15,head 12 file1 tail 與head 剛相反 tail f var log messages 持續顯示log的動態改變 直到用ctrl c結束...