外掛程式97 Google 翻譯

2021-06-02 09:07:50 字數 1138 閱讀 4127

<?php // plug-in 97: google translate

/** google翻譯

* 外掛程式說明:

* 外掛程式接受乙個字串,把它從一種語言翻譯到另一種語言。

* 若操作成功,則返回譯文,否則返回false。

* 它需要以下引數:

* $text 需要翻譯的文字

* $lang1 源語言

* $lang2 目標語言

*/// this is an executable example with additional code supplied

// to obtain just the plug-ins please click on the download link

echo '';

$text = "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all " .

"men are created equal, that they are endowed by " .

"their creator with certain unalienable rights, that " .

"among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of " .

"are instituted among men, deriving their just powers " .

"from the consent of the governed.";

$from = 'english';

$to = 'german';

echo "original: $text

";echo "translated from $from to $to:

";$result = piphp_googletranslate($text, $from, $to);

if (!$result) echo "translation failed.";

else echo "translation: $result";

function piphp_googletranslate($text, $lang1, $lang2)


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