city{cityid, cityname)
create table city(cityid int auto_increment primary
key,cityname varchar(20));
create table flight (flightid int auto_increment primary key,
startcityid int references city(cityid),
endcityid int references city(cityid),
starttime timestamp);
insert into city values(null,'北京'),(null,'上海'),(null,'廣州');
insert into flight values
select * from flight f,city c
where f.endcityid = c.cityid and startcityid =
(select c1.cityid from city c1 where c1.cityname = "北京")
order by c.cityname asc;
mysql> select flight.flightid,'北京' startcity, e.cityname from
flight,city e wh
ere flight.endcityid=e.cityid and flight.startcityid=(select
cityid from city wh
ere cityname='北京');
mysql> select flight.flightid,s.cityname,e.cityname from
flight,city s,city e wh
ere flight.startcityid=s.cityid and s.cityname='北京' and
yid order by e.cityname desc;
select c1.cityname,c2.cityname,f.starttime,f.flightid
from city c1,city c2,flight f
where f.startcityid=c1.cityid
and f.endcityid=c2.cityid
and c1.cityname='北京'
and c2.cityname='上海'
select count(*) from
(select c1.cityname,c2.cityname,f.starttime,f.flightid
from city c1,city c2,flight f
where f.startcityid=c1.cityid
and f.endcityid=c2.cityid
and c1.cityname='北京'
and c2.cityname='上海'
and 查幫助獲得的某個日期處理函式(starttime) like '2005-5-8%'
select * from flight where
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