pseudo-code: graham scan algorithm
input:a set of pointss=
select the rightmost lowest point p0 ins.
sortsangularly about p0 as a center.
for ties, discard the closer points.
let p[n] be the sorted array of points.
push p[0]=p0 and p[1] onto a stackw.
while i < n
pop the top point pt1 off the stack
}output:w= the convex hull ofs.
**:凸包問題的幾種演算法,包括graham scan 演算法
#include#include#includeusing namespace std;
const int num=50005;
int n;
struct point
inline int ccw(point p1,point p2,point p3) //交叉乘積
inline int dis(point p1,point p2) //距離
int cmp(const void *po1,const void *po2) //排序用的比較函式
else if(temp<0)
else }
int maxdist( )
/*else if(temp==0)
}int maxd=0;
for(int i=0;i<=top;i++) //計算邊界點之間的距離 }
return maxd;
}int main()
{ freopen("input.txt","r",stdin);
while( scanf("%d",&n)!=eof) //輸入
{ for(int i=0;i
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