1、 功能
2、 原型(在linux/kernel.h中定義)
#definecontainer_of(ptr, type, member) ()
#define offsetof(type, member) ((size_t) &((type*)0)->member)
3、 **驗證如下:
#include #include struct stu;
int main(void)
; printf("offset of age is [%d]\n", offsetof(struct stu, age));
printf("offset of score is [%d]\n", offsetof(struct stu, score));
printf("%d\n", (size_t)((int)&xiaoyuan.age - (int)&xiaoyuan));
printf("%d\n", (size_t)&(((struct stu*)0)->age) );
/* 相當於
* printf("%d\n", (size_t)(&(((struct stu*)0)->age)- 0) );
*/return 0;
[root@localhost~]# ./a.out
offset of age is[20]
offset of scoreis [24]
linux核心中container of詳解
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Linux 核心巨集 container of
container of ptr,type,member arguments ptrthe pointer to the member.代表指標 type the type ofthe container struct this isembedded in.型別 member 成員變數 the na...
核心 巨集定義 container of
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