匹配多行文字 m用法

2021-05-25 00:25:19 字數 724 閱讀 3640


00:00:09,855 --> 00:00:14,724

britain was an object of desire.

200:00:26,295 --> 00:00:31,847

tacitus declared it worth the conquest,

300:00:32,015 --> 00:00:35,803

the best compliment

that could occur to a roman.


100:00:09,855 --> 00:00:14,724

britain was an object of desire.

200:00:26,295 --> 00:00:35,803

tacitus declared it worth the conquest,

the best compliment

that could occur to a roman.



my $file;

while (<>);

my @data=split//./,$file;

for (@data)


perl  ans.pl  yourfile.txt


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多行文字 單行文字的垂直居中

在說到這個問題的時候,也許有人會問css中不是有vertical align屬性來設定垂直居中的嗎?即使是某些瀏覽器不支援我只需做少許的css hack技術就可以啊!所以在這裡我還要囉嗦兩句,css中的確是有vertical align屬性,但是它只對 x html元素中擁有valign特性的元素才...