C 操作word文件(三)

2021-05-24 23:48:12 字數 4706 閱讀 9015

1. c#呼叫word列印信封

d.printout(ref missing, ref missing, ref range, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing);

d.close(ref readonly, ref missing, ref missing);


return true;

} 2.c#實現word中**資訊讀取

很多時候,會有很多資訊存放在word文件中。而我們需要把這些資訊提取出來,另做它用。而word的格式是ms的機密,不知道有沒有nb人可以對其做字元流的分析,反正我是沒這能力也沒這打算。所以就只能用ms提供的元件來進行程式設計。但ms沒有提供託管的類庫,而是提供了對com元件的pia轉換。具體新增,使用和相關知識,可以參見kaneboy's blog中的高手的講解,很是清晰。


object ofilename = @"c:/documents and settings/liush/my documents/testdoc.doc";

object oreadonly = true;

object omissing = system.reflection.missing.value;

for (int tablepos = 1; tablepos <= odoc.tables.count; tablepos++)

/個表:/n", tablepos, odoc.tables.count);

for (int rowpos = 1; rowpos <= nowtable.rows.count; rowpos++)

tablemessage += "/n";




dim filename as string = "c:/documents and settings/liush/my documents/testdoc.doc"

dim isreadonly as boolean = true




private void button1_click(object sender, system.eventargs e)

otable.rows[1].range.font.bold = 1;

otable.rows[1].range.font.italic = 1;


word.paragraph opara4;

orng = odoc.bookmarks.get_item(ref oendofdoc).range;

opara4 = odoc.content.paragraphs.add(ref orng);


opara4.range.text = "and here's another table:";

opara4.format.spaceafter = 24;



wrdrng = odoc.bookmarks.get_item(ref oendofdoc).range;

otable = odoc.tables.add(wrdrng, 5, 2, ref omissing, ref omissing);

otable.range.paragraphformat.spaceafter = 6;

for(r = 1; r <= 5; r++)

for(c = 1; c <= 2; c++)

otable.columns[1].width = oword.inchestopoints(2); //change width of columns 1 & 2

otable.columns[2].width = oword.inchestopoints(3);

//keep inserting text. when you get to 7 inches from top of the

//document, insert a hard page break.

object opos;

double dpos = oword.inchestopoints(7);

odoc.bookmarks.get_item(ref oendofdoc).range.insertparagraphafter();

dowhile(dpos >= convert.todouble(opos));

object ocollapseend = word.wdcollapsedirection.wdcollapseend;

object opagebreak = word.wdbreaktype.wdpagebreak;

wrdrng.collapse(ref ocollapseend);

wrdrng.insertbreak(ref opagebreak);

wrdrng.collapse(ref ocollapseend);

wrdrng.insertafter("we're now on page 2. here's my chart:");



word.inlineshape oshape;

object oclasstype = "msgraph.chart.8";

wrdrng = odoc.bookmarks.get_item(ref oendofdoc).range;

oshape = wrdrng.inlineshapes.addoleobject(ref oclasstype, ref omissing,

ref omissing, ref omissing, ref omissing,

ref omissing, ref omissing, ref omissing);

//change the chart type to line.

object parameters = new object[1];

parameters[0] = 4; //xlline = 4

ochart.gettype().invokemember("charttype", bindingflags.setproperty,

null, ochart, parameters);

//set the width of the chart.

oshape.width = oword.inchestopoints(6.25f);

oshape.height = oword.inchestopoints(3.57f);

//add text after the chart.

wrdrng = odoc.bookmarks.get_item(ref oendofdoc).range;


wrdrng.insertafter("the end.");

//close this form.



如果您要使用自動化功能建立的文件都是通用格式,則利用基於預設格式的模板的新文件來開始建立過程會更加容易。與從頭建立文件相比,將某個模板與 word 自動化客戶端配合使用有兩大優點: • 您可以對整個文件中的物件的格式設定和布局施加更多控制。

• 可以使用較少的**建立文件。

通過使用模板,可以精確地調整**、段落和其他物件在文件中的布局,並可為這些物件新增格式設定。通過使用自動化功能,可以基於包含下面這樣的**的模板建立新文件: 在模板中,可以定義書籤,這樣,自動化客戶端就可以在文件的特定位置加入可變文字,如下所示: 使用模板的另乙個優點在於,您可以建立和儲存希望在執行時應用的格式樣式,如下所示: - 或者 -

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