if (mode == usermode) else else
obdereferenceobject((pvoid)keybody); } }
#define cmiskcbreadonly(kcb) ((kcb)->extflags & cm_kcb_read_only_key)
#define cm_kcb_read_only_key 0x0080 // this kcb is read-only all write operations onto it are denied.
lkd> dt _cm_key_control_block
+0x000 refcount : uint4b
+0x004 extflags : pos 0, 8 bits // 設定這裡
+0x004 privatealloc : pos 8, 1 bit
+0x004 delete : pos 9, 1 bit
+0x004 delayedcloseindex : pos 10, 12 bits
+0x004 totallevels : pos 22, 10 bits
+0x008 keyhash : _cm_key_hash
+0x008 convkey : uint4b
+0x00c nexthash : ptr32 _cm_key_hash
+0x010 keyhive : ptr32 _hhive
+0x014 keycell : uint4b
+0x018 parentkcb : ptr32 _cm_key_control_block
+0x01c nameblock : ptr32 _cm_name_control_block
+0x020 cachedsecurity : ptr32 _cm_key_security_cache
+0x024 valuecache : _cached_child_list
+0x02c indexhint : ptr32 _cm_index_hint_block
+0x02c hashkey : uint4b
+0x02c subkeycount : uint4b
+0x030 keybodylisthead : _list_entry
+0x030 freelistentry : _list_entry
+0x038 keybodyarray : [4] ptr32 _cm_key_body
+0x048 delaycloseentry : ptr32 void
+0x050 kcblastwritetime : _large_integer
+0x058 kcbmaxnamelen : uint2b
+0x05a kcbmaxvaluenamelen : uint2b
+0x05c kcbmaxvaluedatalen : uint4b
+0x060 kcbuserflags : pos 0, 4 bits
+0x060 kcbvirtcontrolflags : pos 4, 4 bits
+0x060 kcbdebug : pos 8, 8 bits
+0x060 flags : pos 16, 16 bits
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct _cm_key_body cm_key_body, *pcm_key_body;
#pragma pack()
ntstatus driverentry(in pdriver_object driverobject, in punicode_string registrypath)
keycontrolblock = keybody->keycontrolblock;
// // try to protect the key
// *(pulong)((ulong)keycontrolblock + 0x4) |= 0x0080; // 0x14
return status_success; }
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