QFile 3 檔案讀寫

2021-05-24 05:38:24 字數 774 閱讀 6817


1    bool qfile::open ( openmode mode ) [virtual]

2    bool qfile::open ( file * fh, openmode mode )

3    bool qfile::open ( int fd, openmode mode )

4    qint64 qfile::readdata ( char * data, qint64 len ) [virtual protected]

5    qint64 qfile::readlinedata ( char * data, qint64 maxlen ) [virtual protected]

6    qint64 qfile::writedata ( const char * data, qint64 len ) [virtual protected]

7    void qfile::close () [virtual]

8    bool qfile::flush ()

9    bool qfile::atend () const [virtual]

10    qint64 qfile::pos ()

11    bool qfile::resize ( qint64 sz )







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