windows sdk程式設計遇到奇怪的問題

2021-05-24 01:52:15 字數 1813 閱讀 4969

用windows sdk編寫應用程式遇到乙個奇怪的問題:當**如下時,

case idc_button_getpid:

return true;

case idc_button_browser:

;memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(openfilename));

ofn.lstructsize = sizeof(openfilename);

ofn.hwndowner = hdlg;

ofn.lpstrfile = szfile;

ofn.nmaxfile = max_path;

ofn.lpstrfilter = _t("*.*");

ofn.lpstrdefext = _t("*");

ofn.lpstrtitle = _t("選擇檔案");

ofn.nfilterindex = 1;

ofn.lpstrfiletitle = null;

ofn.nmaxfiletitle = 0;

ofn.lpstrinitialdir = null;


}return true;



case idc_button_browser:

;memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(openfilename));

ofn.lstructsize = sizeof(openfilename);

ofn.hwndowner = hdlg;

ofn.lpstrfile = szfile;

ofn.nmaxfile = max_path;

ofn.lpstrfilter = _t("*.*");

ofn.lpstrdefext = _t("*");

ofn.lpstrtitle = _t("選擇檔案");

ofn.nfilterindex = 1;

ofn.lpstrfiletitle = null;

ofn.nmaxfiletitle = 0;

ofn.lpstrinitialdir = null;


}return true;

case idc_button_getpid:

return true;


/system32/shimgvw.dll', no matching symbolic information found.

loaded 'c:/windows/system32/ntmarta.dll', no matching symbolic information found.

loaded 'c:/windows/system32/samlib.dll', no matching symbolic information found.

the thread 0x614 has exited with code 1 (0x1).

the thread 0xdc8 has exited with code 1 (0x1).

the thread 0x5a4 has exited with code 1 (0x1).

the thread 0x8f4 has exited with code 1 (0x1).

the thread 0xe84 has exited with code 1 (0x1).


WindowsSDK程式設計學習日記 2

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