
2021-05-23 09:04:43 字數 4097 閱讀 4256



/** this is sample code generated by rpcgen.

* these are only templates and you can use them

* as a guideline for developing your own functions.

*/#include "fctrl.h"





fctrl_1(char *host)


rfopen_1_path = "test.txt";

rfopen_1_mode = "w+";

result_1 = rfopen_1(rfopen_1_path, rfopen_1_mode, clnt);

if (result_1 == (int *) null)

int handle = *result_1;

printf("rfopen result: %d/n", handle);


rfwrite_1_handle = handle;

rfwrite_1_buff = "this is a test. /n /

this line will be write into remote file.";

rfwrite_1_size = strlen(rfwrite_1_buff);

result_3 = rfwrite_1(rfwrite_1_handle, rfwrite_1_size, rfwrite_1_buff, clnt);

if (result_3 == (u_int *) null)

printf("rfwrite result: %d/n", *result_3);


result_5 = rfseek_1(handle, 0, seek_set, clnt);

if (result_5 == (int *) null)

printf("rfseek result: %d/n", *result_5);


struct read_ret * res;

res = rfread_1(handle, 1024, clnt);

if (result_2 == (u_int *) null)

printf("rfread result: [%d]/n%s/n", res->count, res->str);

result_4 = rfclose_1(handle, clnt);

if (result_4 == (int *) null)

printf("rfclose result: %d/n", *result_4);

clnt_destroy (clnt);


main (int argc, char *argv)

host = argv[1];

fctrl_1 (host);

exit (0);


/** this is sample code generated by rpcgen.

* these are only templates and you can use them

* as a guideline for developing your own functions.

*/#include "fctrl.h"




#pragma comment(lib, "d32-rpc.lib")


fctrl_1(char *host)


rfopen_1_path = "test.txt";

rfopen_1_mode = "w+";

result_1 = rfopen_1(&rfopen_1_path, &rfopen_1_mode, clnt);

if (result_1 == (int *) null)

file_handle = * result_1;

printf("rfopen result: %d/n", file_handle);


rfwrite_1_handle = file_handle;

rfwrite_1_buff = "this is a test. /n /

this line will be write into remote file.";

rfwrite_1_size = strlen(rfwrite_1_buff);

result_3 = rfwrite_1(&rfwrite_1_handle, &rfwrite_1_size, &rfwrite_1_buff, clnt);

if (result_3 == (u_int *) null)

printf("rfwrite result: %d/n", *result_3);


offset = 0;

init_pos = seek_set;

result_5 = rfseek_1(&file_handle, &offset, &init_pos, clnt);

if (result_5 == (int *) null)

printf("rfseek result: %d/n", *result_5);


read_count = 1024;

res = rfread_1(&file_handle, &read_count, clnt);

if (result_2 == (u_int *) null)

printf("rfread result: [%d]/n%s/n", res->count, res->str);

result_4 = rfclose_1(&file_handle, clnt);

if (result_4 == (int *) null)

printf("rfclose result: %d/n", *result_4);


main (int argc, char *argv)

host = argv[1];

fctrl_1 (host);

return 0;


/** this is sample code generated by rpcgen.

* these are only templates and you can use them

* as a guideline for developing your own functions.

*/#include "fctrl.h"


int *

rfopen_1_svc(char *path, char *mode,struct svc_req *rqstp)

result = (int) file;

printf("call successed!: rfopen(%s, %s) = %d/n", path, mode, result);

return &result;

}read_ret *

rfread_1_svc(int handle, int size,struct svc_req *rqstp)

u_int *

rfwrite_1_svc(int handle, int size, char *buff,struct svc_req *rqstp)

int *

rfclose_1_svc(int handle,struct svc_req *rqstp)

int *

rfseek_1_svc(int handle, long offset, int init_pos,struct svc_req *rqstp)


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