typedef struct _iwindow iwindow;
// enables/disables the window. window controls will not process
// events if the window is disabled.
void (*enable)(iwindow * po, boolean benable);
// redraws the window if enabled
void (*redraw)(iwindow * po);
// handles the events routed to the window
boolean (*handleevent)(iwindow * po, aeeevent ecode, uint16 wparam, uint32 dwparam);
// releases the window resources
void (*delete)(iwindow * po);
#define iwindow_enable(p) get_pvtbl(p, iwindow)->enable(p, true)
#define iwindow_disable(p) get_pvtbl(p, iwindow)->enable(p, false)
#define iwindow_redraw(p) get_pvtbl(p, iwindow)->redraw(p)
#define iwindow_handleevent(p, e, w, dw) get_pvtbl(p, iwindow)->handleevent(p, e, w, dw)
#define iwindow_delete(p) get_pvtbl(p, iwindow)->delete(p)
#define inherit_cwindow(iname) /
declare_vtbl(iname) /
cmediaplayer * m_powner; /
ishell * m_pishell; /
idisplay * m_pidisplay; /
*** m_bactive:1
// base class of all iwindow objects.
struct cwindow
// main window: displays main menu.
struct cmainwin
iimage * m_plogo;
aeerect m_rectlogo;
imenuctl * m_pmainmenu;
*** m_babout:1;
#define qinte***ce(iname) struct _##iname {/
struct vtbl(iname) *pvt; /
typedef struct vtbl(iname) vtbl(iname); /
struct vtbl(iname)
#define vtbl(iname) iname##vtbl
struct _iwindow
struct iwindowvtbl *pvt;
typedef struct iwindowvtbl iwindowvtbl;
struct iwindowvtbl
// enables/disables the window. window controls will not process
// events if the window is disabled.
void (*enable)(iwindow * po, boolean benable);
// redraws the window if enabled
void (*redraw)(iwindow * po);
// handles the events routed to the window
boolean (*handleevent)(iwindow * po, aeeevent ecode, uint16 wparam, uint32 dwparam);
// releases the window resources
void (*delete)(iwindow * po);
#define iwindow_enable(p) get_pvtbl(p, iwindow)->enable(p, true)
#define iwindow_disable(p) get_pvtbl(p, iwindow)->enable(p, false)
#define iwindow_redraw(p) get_pvtbl(p, iwindow)->redraw(p)
#define iwindow_handleevent(p, e, w, dw) get_pvtbl(p, iwindow)->handleevent(p, e, w, dw)
#define iwindow_delete(p) get_pvtbl(p, iwindow)->delete(p)
#define declare_vtbl(iname) iname vt##iname;
iwindow vtiwindow
#define inherit_cwindow(iwindow)
iwindow vtiwindow
cmediaplayer * m_powner;
ishell * m_pishell;
idisplay * m_pidisplay;
*** m_bactive:1
struct cwindow
struct cwindow
iwindow vtiwindow; //iwindowvtbl* pvt
ishell * m_pishell;
idisplay * m_pidisplay;
sizeof(cwindow) = 12;
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