Debian 檔案監聽相關軟體包

2021-05-21 23:49:55 字數 756 閱讀 4676

dnotify - execute a command when the contents of a directory change

gamin - file and directory monitoring system

tripwire - file and directory integrity checker

inotify-tools - command-line programs providing a ****** inte***ce to inotify

iwatch - realtime filesystem monitoring program using inotify

diffmon - tool for reporting changes in system configuration

systraq - monitor your system and warn when system files change


systraq 在乙個後台程式裡定期執行指令碼,比較檔案md5,傳送郵件通知使用者。

gamin 通知檔案管理器,目錄下的檔案改動資訊

diffmon 在夜間呼叫diff,通過郵件方式告知使用者

iwatch 實時通知。將要監測的檔案(目錄)寫到xml檔案裡,呼叫perl指令碼來監測,傳送郵件通知使用者。

Debian 檔案監聽相關軟體包

dnotify execute a command when the contents of a directory change gamin file and directory monitoring system tripwire file and directory integrity che...

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