cstring path;
cfiledialog dlg(true,null,"*.*");
if (dlg.domodal()==idok)
// dirdialog.h: inte***ce for the cdirdialog class.
#if !defined(afx_dirdialog_h__62ffac92_1dee_11d1_b87a_0060979cdf6d__included_)
#define afx_dirdialog_h__62ffac92_1dee_11d1_b87a_0060979cdf6d__included_
#if _msc_ver >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _msc_ver >= 1000
class cdirdialog
static int __stdcall cdirdialog::browsectrlcallback(hwnd hwnd, uint umsg, lparam lparam, lparam lpdata);
#endif // !defined(afx_dirdialog_h__62ffac92_1dee_11d1_b87a_0060979cdf6d__included_)
// dirdialog.cpp: implementation of the cdirdialog class.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "dirdialog.h"
#include "shlobj.h"
#ifdef _debug
#undef this_file
static char this_file=__file__;
#define new debug_new
// callback function called by shbrowseforfolder's browse control
// after initialization and when selection changes
int __stdcall cdirdialog::browsectrlcallback(hwnd hwnd, uint umsg, lparam lparam, lparam lpdata)
else if( umsg == bffm_selchanged )
return 0;
// construction/destruction
bool cdirdialog::dobrowse(cwnd *pwndparent)
lpmalloc pmalloc;
if (shgetmalloc (&pmalloc)!= noerror)
return false;
browseinfo binfo;
lpitemidlist pidl;
zeromemory ( (pvoid) &binfo,sizeof (browseinfo));
if (!m_strinitdir.isempty ())
binfo.pidlroot = pidl;
binfo.hwndowner = pwndparent == null ? null : pwndparent->getsafehwnd();
binfo.pszdisplayname = m_strpath.getbuffer (max_path);
binfo.lpsztitle = (m_strtitle.isempty()) ? "open" : m_strtitle;
binfo.ulflags = bif_returnfsancestors
| bif_returnonlyfsdirs
| (m_bstatus ? bif_statustext : 0);
binfo.lpfn = browsectrlcallback; // address of callback function
binfo.lparam = (lparam)this; // pass address of object to callback function
if ((pidl = ::shbrowseforfolder(&binfo)) == null)
m_iimageindex = binfo.iimage;
if (::shgetpathfromidlist(pidl, m_strpath.getbuffer(max_path)) == false)
pmalloc ->free(pidl);
pmalloc ->release();
return true; }四、
五、browseinfo bi = ;
lpitemidlist pidl;
imalloc *pmalloc = null;
char cszpath[max_path];
bi.hwndowner = m_hwnd;
bi.lpsztitle = "title";
bi.ulflags = bif_returnonlyfsdirs;
pidl = shbrowseforfolder(&bi);
if (pidl)
if (shgetmalloc(&pmalloc)) }六、
PHP 中獲取檔名及路徑
1.basename mnt img image01.jpg 函式 得到檔名 輸出結果為 image01.jpg.使用 basename uristring 我們可以得到乙個包含副檔名的檔名 如果不需要副檔名,也可以使用 basename uristring,extstring 過濾副檔名,僅僅返回...
PHP 中獲取檔名及路徑
1.basename mnt img image01.jpg 函式 得到檔名 輸出結果為 image01.jpg.使用 basename uristring 我們可以得到乙個包含副檔名的檔名 如果不需要副檔名,也可以使用 basename uristring,extstring 過濾副檔名,僅僅返回...
PHP 中獲取檔名及路徑
1.basename mnt img image01.jpg 函式 得到檔名 輸出結果為 image01.jpg.使用 basename uristring 我們可以得到乙個包含副檔名的檔名 如果不需要副檔名,也可以使用 basename uristring,extstring 過濾副檔名,僅僅返回...