public conn as adodb.connection
public rs as adodb.recordset
public addflag as boolean '宣告部分
public function opencn(byval cip as string, byval users as string, byval pw as string, byval sjk as string) as boolean '連線模組 填寫資料庫等資訊
dim mag as string
on error goto strerrmag
set conn = new adodb.connection
conn.connectiontimeout = 25
conn.provider = "sqloledb""data source").value = cip '伺服器的名字"initial catalog").value = sjk '庫名
'"integrated security").value = "sspi" '登陸型別"user id").value = users 'sql庫使用者名稱"password").value = pw '密碼
opencn = true
if conn.state = 1 then addflag = true
exit function
mag = "連線失敗!"
call msgbox(mag, vbokonly, "錯誤:")
addflag = false
exit function '連線錯誤訊息
end function
public sub clocn()
on error resume next
if conn.state <> adstateclosed then conn.close
set conn = nothing
end sub
public function openrs(byval strsql as string) as boolean '連線資料庫記錄集
dim mag as string
dim rpy as boolean
on error goto strerrmag
set rs = new adodb.recordset
if addflag = false then rpy = true
with rs
.activeconnection = conn
.cursorlocation = aduseclient
.cursortype = adopenkeyset
.locktype = adlockoptimistic
.open strsql
end with
addflag = true
openrs = true
'end '將記錄集給rs
exit function
mag = "記錄返回錯誤!"
call msgbox(mag, vbokonly, "錯誤:")
openrs = false
exit function '連線錯誤訊息
end function
public sub clors()
on error resume next
if rs.state <> adstateclosed then rs.clone
set rs = nothing '釋放記錄集
end sub
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