backup database powercheck to disk='d:/back/20070908.bak'
with password = '123456' ;--這是密碼
backup log powercheck to disk='d:/back/20070908_log.bak'
with password = '123456';--這是密碼
restore database powercheck
from disk='d:/back/20070908.bak'
with password = '123456';
在執行輸入cmd 在cmd下輸入exp windone wind orclwind file f data.dmp log f logimp.log owner windone 即可完成資料備份 windone是使用者名稱 wind是密碼 orclwind是資料庫名 owner windone 這個...
主要 段 資料庫的備份和實時進度顯示 public bool backupdb string servername,string username,string password,string strdbname,string strfilename,progressbar pgbmain catc...
unit ustore inte ce uses windows,messages,sysutils,variants,classes,graphics,controls,forms,dialogs,stdctrls,ibservices type tfrestore class tform ibb...