//#include "stdafx.h"
#include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;
class ourfriends
static void friendset(const string *fs,int count)
static set< string, less, allocator> friendset;
};set< string, less,allocator> ourfriends::friendset;
int main(int argc, char* argv)
; string more_friend = ;
listslist(more_friend, more_friend + 3);
ourfriends::friendset(pooh_friend, 3);
list::iterator iter;
iter = find_if(slist.begin(), slist.end(), ourfriends());
if (iter != slist.end())
return 0;}/*
_ii find_if(_ii _f, _ii _l, _pr _p) */
//#include "stdafx.h"
#include #include #include #include using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv)
; int elem = array[9];
int* found_it;
found_it = find(array, array + sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]), elem);
cout << "find the first occurence of:"
<< elem << "/t"
<< (found_it ? "found!/n" : "not found!/n");
string days = ;
string oneday(days[1]);
listslist(days, days + 6);
list::iterator iter;
iter = find(slist.begin(), slist.end(), oneday);
cout << "find the first occurence of:"
<< oneday << "/t"
<< (iter != slist.end() ? "found!/n" : "not found!/n")
<< "next elem is: " << *++iter;
return 0;}/*
_ii find(_ii _f, _ii _l, const _ty& _v) */
泛型演算法系列37 堆演算法
1。概念 堆是一種特殊的二叉樹,具備以下兩種性質 1 每個節點的值都大於 或者都小於,稱為最小堆 其子節點的值 2 樹是完全平衡的,並且最後一層的樹葉都在最左邊 這樣就定義了乙個最大堆。2。堆可以用乙個陣列表示,有如下性質 heap i heap 2 i 1 其中0 i n 1 2 heap i h...
泛型演算法系列7 find first of
include stdafx.h include include include include using namespace std include include include find the first instance in s array of any characters in t...
C STL演算法系列6 copy函式
現在我們來看看變易演算法。所謂變易演算法 mutating algorithms 就是一組能夠修改容器元素資料的模板函式,可進行序列資料的複製,變換等。我們現在來看看第乙個變易演算法 元素複製演算法copy。該演算法主要用於容器之間元素的拷貝,即將迭代器區間 first,last 的元素複製到由複製...