C 字串比較

2021-05-01 04:15:19 字數 2287 閱讀 3993

1,    str1.equals(str2)

2,    int result = string.compare(str1,str2);

int result = string.compare(str1,str2

, true) //忽略大小寫比較 

3、在某些語言中,可以利用 >、=、< 來直接比較字串,而在 c# 中,只能用 == 來比較兩個字串是否相等,更多的比較使用 compareto 方法。

語法public int compareto(

string strb


小於 0,例項小於引數 strb;

0,例項等於引數 strb;

大於 0,例項大於引數 strb,或者 strb 是 null 引用。

示例string stra = "abc";

string strb = "abc";

int result = stra.compareto(strb);




string strtestcompare = "abc";





//string.compare("abc", "a")=1

//string.compare("abc", "ab")=1

//string.compare("abc", "abc")=0

//string.compare("abc", "b")=-1

console.writeline(string.compare("abc", "abc").tostring());


//string.compare from msdn



//    // instruct the garbage collector not to move the memory

//    fixed (sbyte* pasciiupper = sbarr1)


//    string szasciilower = null;

//    sbyte sbarr2 = ;

//    // instruct the garbage collector not to move the memory

//    fixed (sbyte* pasciilower = sbarr2)


//    // prints "abc abc"

//    console.writeline(szasciiupper + " " + szasciilower);

//    // compare strings - the result is true

//    console.writeline("the strings are equal when capitalized ? " +

//        (string.compare(szasciiupper.toupper(), szasciilower.toupper()) == 0 ? "true" : "false"));

//    // this is the effective equivalent of another compare method, which ignores case

//    console.writeline("the strings are equal when capitalized ? " +

//        (string.compare(szasciiupper, szasciilower, true) == 0 ? "true" : "false"));


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