C語言佇列實現 動態陣列

2021-05-28 16:26:37 字數 1885 閱讀 4164


* queue.h

* * created on: 2011-10-7

* author: admin

*/#ifndef queue_h_

#define queue_h_

#include #include /* the data type that contained in the queue */

typedef int queuedata;

typedef struct _queuequeue, *pqueue;

/* initialize queue */

void queue_init(pqueue* ptr, size_t size);

/* free memory which the queue own*/

void queue_destroy(pqueue* ptr);

/* add data to queue */

int queue_push(pqueue ptr, queuedata val);

/* dequeue */

queuedata queue_pop(pqueue ptr);

/* get data at front of the queue */

queuedata queue_top(pqueue ptr);

/* return the size of queue */

size_t queue_size(pqueue ptr);

#endif /* queue_h_ */

/* * queue.c

* * created on: 2011-10-7

* author: admin

*/#include #include #include "queue.h"

/* initialize queue */

void queue_init(pqueue* ptr, size_t size)

(*ptr)->capacity = size;

(*ptr)->length = 0;

(*ptr)->index = 0;

(*ptr)->push_index = 0;

(*ptr)->data = (queuedata*)malloc(sizeof(queuedata) * size);

if ((*ptr)->data == null)

}/* free memory which the queue own*/

void queue_destroy(pqueue* ptr)

/* add data to queue */

int queue_push(pqueue ptr, queuedata val)

ptr->push_index = (ptr->push_index % ptr->capacity) + 1;

ptr->data[ptr->push_index - 1] = val;

ptr->length += 1;

return 1;

}/* dequeue */

queuedata queue_pop(pqueue ptr)

ptr->length -= 1;

ptr->index = ((ptr->index) % ptr->capacity) + 1;

return ptr->data[ptr->index - 1];

}/* get data at front of the queue */

queuedata queue_top(pqueue ptr)

/* return the size of queue */

size_t queue_size(pqueue ptr)


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C語言 動態陣列的實現

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