sub showbar()
dim ocmdbar as commandbar
dim octrl as commandbarcontrol
on error resume next
on error goto 0
set ocmdbar = commandbars.add(name:="txtbar", position:=msobarpopup, temporary:=true)
with ocmdbar
set octrl = .controls.add(type:=msocontrolbutton)
with octrl
.caption = "復 制 ctrl+c"
.onaction = "macro1"
end with
set octrl = .controls.add(type:=msocontrolbutton)
with octrl
.caption = "剪 切 ctrl+x"
.onaction = "macro2"
end with
set octrl = .controls.add(type:=msocontrolbutton)
with octrl
.caption = "粘 貼 ctrl+v"
.onaction = "macro3"
end with
set octrl = .controls.add(type:=msocontrolbutton)
with octrl
.caption = "清 除 del"
.onaction = "macro4"
end with
end with
end sub
sub macro1()
end sub
sub macro2()
end sub
sub macro3()
end sub
sub macro4()
end sub
private sub textbox1_mouseup(byval button as integer, byval shift as integer, byval x as single, byval y as single)
if button = xlsecondarybutton then
end if
end sub
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C 中TextBox實現換行
要讓乙個windows form的textbox顯示多行文字就得把它的multiline屬性設定為true。這個大家都知道,可是當你要在 中為text屬性設定多行文字的時候可能會遇到點麻煩 你往往會想到直接付給乙個含有換行符 n 的字串給text屬性 c atextbox.text first li...
C 中TextBox實現換行
簡介摘要 本文將教你如何用c textbox換行,也許現在你覺得很深奧,但是讀完此篇文章你就會覺得很簡單了。要讓乙個windows form的textbox顯示多行文字就得把它的multiline屬性設定為true。這個大家都知道,可是當你要在 中為text屬性設定多行文字的時候可能會遇到點麻煩 c...