NotesDocument 作為函式返回值的問題

2021-05-27 16:55:57 字數 1138 閱讀 8302

'some code ......

'set my doc with the return value from the function...

set recipientdoc = getdocinnab("search string")

if not recipientdoc is nothing then

'in debug i end up here


'when i run it i end up here....

print "error"

end if

'some code ......

function getdocinnab(y as string) as notesdocument

dim nabs as variant

dim v as notesview

dim match as notesdocument

dim i as notesitem

nabs = s.addressbooks

forall x in nabs

'get handle on directory to search

call, x.filepath)

set v = x.getview("($users)")

set match = v.getdocumentbykey(y,true)

if not match is nothing then

print "found ------------> " & y

set getdocinnab = match


set getdocinnab = nothing

end if

end forall

end function

函式 getdocinnab 實現了乙個功能:通過引數 y 來查詢個人文件,然後將查詢結果返回。初看上去好像沒什麼問題,實際上這個函式的返回值一直是 nothing。

問題的原因是,nab 資料庫物件是在函式內定義的,當文件作為返回值傳遞給呼叫者時,其 parent 資料庫物件已經銷毀,所以這個文件也就是 nothing 了。


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