linux 下oracle 開機自啟動命令(二)

2021-05-27 02:00:10 字數 1300 閱讀 1523

在/etc/init.d/  下新建oracle10g檔案,在檔案內編輯以下內容

case "$1" in


# start tsnlisnter

echo "start tsnlisnter"

su - oracle -c "lsnrctl start"

# start database

echo "start oracle database instance"

su - oracle -c "echo \"

conn / as sysdba


exit \"|sqlplus /nolog"

# start enterprise manager

echo " start emterprise manager"

su - oracle -c "emctl start dbconsole"

# start isqlplus

echo "start isqlplus"

su - oracle -c "isqlplusctl start"


# shutdown database

echo "shutdown oracle database instance"

su - oracle -c "echo \"

conn / as sysdba

shutdown immediate

exit \"|sqlplus /nolog"

# stop tsnlisnter

echo "stop tsnlisnter"

su - oracle -c "lsnrctl stop"

# stop enterprise manager

echo " stop emterprise manager"

su - oracle -c "emctl stop dbconsole"

# stop isqlplus

echo "stop isqlplus"

su - oracle -c "isqlplusctl stop"

;;*) echo "usage: $0 "

exit 1


exit 0

在/etc/rc.d/ 的rc.local檔案內容中加入以下內容:

/etc/init.d/oracle10g start


特別說明 1.以下這些變數得配置成自己的。且 pidfile 應為 var run redis pid.不修改這裡,stop的時候關不掉。redisport 6379 exec usr redisbin redis server redis cli usr redisbin redis cli pi...


廢話少說,直接來步驟 1 設定redis.conf中daemonize為yes,確保守護程序開啟。2 編寫開機自啟動指令碼 vi etc init.d redis指令碼內容如下 chkconfig 2345 10 90 description start and stop redis path us...


1 設定redis.conf中daemonize為yes,確保守護程序開啟。2 編寫開機自啟動指令碼 vi etc init.d redis指令碼內容如下 chkconfig 2345 10 90 description start and stop redis path usr local bin...