create or replace procedure ossbusiinfoimport
(ossbusiid in varchar2, reqid in varchar2, log_accept in varchar2, ele_key in varchar2, ele_val in varchar2)
is busiid pd_busi_instance_info.busi_id%type; --業務資訊id
classid or_req_info.class_id%type;
element_val pd_element_instance_info.element_value%type;
cursor query_z(log_acc pd_element_instance_info.loginaccept%type, b_id pd_element_instance_info.busi_id%type, e_id pd_element_instance_info.element_id%type)
is select element_value from pd_element_instance_info where loginaccept=log_acc and busi_id=b_id and element_id=e_id;
cursor query_m(log_acc pd_element_instance_mid.loginaccept%type, b_id pd_element_instance_mid.busi_id%type, e_id pd_element_instance_mid.element_id%type)
is select element_value from pd_element_instance_mid where loginaccept=log_acc and busi_id=b_id and element_id=e_id;
select class_id into classid from or_req_info where req_id=reqid and login_accept=log_accept;
if(classid='10') then
select busi_id into busiid from pd_busi_instance_inter where oss_busi_id=ossbusiid;
if(ele_key='8077') then
update pd_busi_instance_inter set busi_phy_number=ele_val where busi_id=busiid and loginaccept=log_accept;
end if;
if not query_m%isopen then
open query_m(log_accept, busiid, ele_key);
end if;
fetch query_m into element_val;
if not query_m%found then
insert into pd_element_instance_mid values(log_accept, '', busiid, ele_key, ele_val, '');
update pd_element_instance_mid set element_value=ele_val where loginaccept=log_accept and busi_id=busiid and element_id=ele_key;
end if;
close query_m;
select busi_id into busiid from pd_busi_instance_info where oss_busi_id=ossbusiid;
if(ele_key='8077') then
update pd_busi_instance_info set busi_phy_number=ele_val where busi_id=busiid and loginaccept=log_accept;
end if;
if not query_z%isopen then
open query_z(log_accept, busiid, ele_key);
end if;
fetch query_z into element_val;
if not query_z%found then
insert into pd_element_instance_info values(log_accept, '', busiid, ele_key, ele_val);
update pd_element_instance_info set element_value=ele_val where busi_id=busiid and element_id=ele_key and loginaccept=log_accept;
end if;
close query_z;
end if;
exception when others then
dbms_output.put_line('sqlcode : ' || sqlcode);
dbms_output.put_line('sqlerrm : ' || sqlerrm);
end ossbusiinfoimport;
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