public class producerandconsumer catch (interruptedexception e)
}flag = true; // 設定生產好標誌為true
notifyall(); // 通知消費者消費
}public synchronized void take(int number) catch (interruptedexception e)
}system.out.println(" the consumer can consume the " + number
+ " product");
flag = false; // 設定生產好的標誌為false
notifyall(); // 通知生產者可以生產}}
class producer implements runnable
public void run() catch (interruptedexception e)
tp.put(i); // 呼叫put方法,執行執行緒之間的通訊}}
}class consumer implements runnable
public void run() catch (interruptedexception e)
tp.take(i); // 呼叫take方法,執行執行緒之間的通訊}}
Java執行緒同步例項 生產者 消費者問題分析
package thread.wait.notify public class test1 class wotou class producer implements runnable public void run catch interruptedexception e class consum...
主函式 public class productandcustorm 以下是產品類,生產者類,消費者類 產品 class product num p system.out.println 生產者生產了 p 個產品,現有 num 個產品.this.notifyall thread.sleep 200 ...
NSCondition 多執行緒解決生產者消費者問題
import viewcontroller.h inte ce viewcontroller 資料緩衝區 property strong,nonatomic nsmutablearray products 執行緒鎖 property strong,nonatomic nscondition cond...