
2021-05-25 17:15:03 字數 3375 閱讀 3789


private sub form_load()

dim machine as string

dim machine_decode as string

dim txtsql as string

dim mrc as adodb.recordset

dim msgtext as string

machine = getserialnumber("c:")

machine_decode = getserial()

text1.text = machine

txtsql = "select * from userenroll_info where machine = '" & machine & "' and decode='" & machine_decode & "'"

set mrc = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)

if mrc.eof then

msgbox "沒有註冊資訊!"

cmdok.visible = false

cmdenroll.visible = true


msgbox "找到註冊資訊"

cmdok.visible = true

cmdenroll.visible = false

label2.visible = false

label3.visible = false

text1.visible = false

text2.visible = false

end if

set mrc = nothing

end sub

private sub cmdok_click()

unload me


end sub

private sub cmdcancel_click()

endend sub

function getserialnumber(strdrive as string) as long

dim serialnum as long

dim res as long

dim temp1 as string

dim temp2 as string

temp1 = string$(255, chr$(0))

temp2 = string$(255, chr$(0))

res = getvolumeinfomation(strdrive, temp1, len(temp1), serialnum, 0, 0, temp2, len(temp2))

getserialnumber = serialnum

end function

function getserial() as string

dim inputserial as string

dim n as string

dim n1 as string

dim n2 as string

dim p as long

dim p1 as long

dim p2 as long

dim i as long

p = 0

p1 = 0

p2 = 0

n = ""

n1 = ""

n2 = ""

n = str(getserialnumber("c:"))

n1 = ""

n2 = ""

if len(n) < 20 then

n = n + string(20 - len(n), "z")

n1 = n1 + string(20 - len(n), "a")

n2 = n2 + string(20 - len(n2), "h")

end if

for i = 1 to 20

p = p + asc(mid(n, i, 1)) * 199

p1 = p1 + asc(mid(n1, i, 1)) * 179

p2 = p2 + asc(mid(n2, i, 1)) * 109


inputseial = format(p) + "-" + format(p1) + "-" + format(p2)

getserialn = inputseial

end function

private declare function getvolumeinformation lib "kernel32" alias "getvolumeinformationa" (byval lprootpathname as string, byval lpvolumenamebuffer as string, byval nvolumenamesize as long, lpvolumeserialnumber as long, lpmaximumcomponentlength as long, lpfilesystemflags as long, byval lpfilesystemnamebuffer as string, byval nfilesystemnamesize as long) as long

private sub cmdenroll_click()

dim txtsql as string

dim mrc as adodb.recordset

dim msdtext as string

if len(text2.text) <> 20 then

msgbox "您輸入的註冊碼錯誤!"

exit sub

if text2.text <> getsrialn() then

msgbox "註冊碼錯誤,請重新輸入!"

exit sub

end if

on error goto err1

txtsql = "insert into userenroll_info(machine,decode) values('" & text1.text & "','" & text2.text & "')"

set mrc = executesql(txtsql, msgtext)

msgbox "註冊成功!"

cmdok.visible = true

cmdenroll.visible = false

label2.visible = false

label3.visible = false

text1.visible = false

text2.visible = false

exit sub


msgbox "新增註冊資訊失敗!"

end sub


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