sql 常用的語句

2021-05-25 14:43:30 字數 3231 閱讀 5735

說明:複製表(只複製結構,源表名:a 新錶名:b)  

sql: select * into b from a where 1<>1

說明:拷貝表(拷貝資料,源表名:a 目標表名:b)  

sql: insert into b(a, b, c) select d,e,f from b;

sql: select a.title,a.username,b.adddate from table a,(select max(adddate) adddate from table where table.title=a.title) b

說明:外連線查詢(表名1:a 表名2:b)  

sql: select a.a, a.b, a.c, b.c, b.d, b.f from a left out join b on a.a = b.c

sql: select * from 日程安排 where datediff('minute',f開始時間,getdate())>5  



delete from info where not exists ( select * from infobz where info.infid=infobz.infid



select a.num, a.name, b.upd_date, b.prev_upd_date

from table1,

(select x.num, x.upd_date, y.upd_date prev_upd_date

from (select num, upd_date, inbound_qty, stock_onhand

from table2

where to_char(upd_date,'yyyy/mm') = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy/mm')) x,

(select num, upd_date, stock_onhand

from table2

where to_char(upd_date,'yyyy/mm') =

to_char(to_date(to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy/mm') ¦¦ '/01','yyyy/mm/dd') - 1, 'yyyy/mm') y,

where x.num = y.num (+)

and x.inbound_qty + nvl(y.stock_onhand,0) <> x.stock_onhand b

where a.num = b.num



select * from studentinfo where not exists(select * from student where studentinfo.id=student.id) and 系名稱='"&strdepartmentname&"' and 專業名稱='"&strprofessionname&"' order by 性別,生源地,高考總成績




select a.userper, a.tel, a.standfee, to_char(a.telfeedate, 'yyyy') as telyear,

sum(decode(to_char(a.telfeedate, 'mm'), '01', a.factration)) as jan,

sum(decode(to_char(a.telfeedate, 'mm'), '02', a.factration)) as fri,

sum(decode(to_char(a.telfeedate, 'mm'), '03', a.factration)) as mar,

sum(decode(to_char(a.telfeedate, 'mm'), '04', a.factration)) as apr,

sum(decode(to_char(a.telfeedate, 'mm'), '05', a.factration)) as may,

sum(decode(to_char(a.telfeedate, 'mm'), '06', a.factration)) as jue,

sum(decode(to_char(a.telfeedate, 'mm'), '07', a.factration)) as jul,

sum(decode(to_char(a.telfeedate, 'mm'), '08', a.factration)) as agu,

sum(decode(to_char(a.telfeedate, 'mm'), '09', a.factration)) as sep,

sum(decode(to_char(a.telfeedate, 'mm'), '10', a.factration)) as oct,

sum(decode(to_char(a.telfeedate, 'mm'), '11', a.factration)) as nov,

sum(decode(to_char(a.telfeedate, 'mm'), '12', a.factration)) as dec

from (select a.userper, a.tel, a.standfee, b.telfeedate, b.factration

from telfeestand a, telfee b

where a.tel = b.telfax) a

group by a.userper, a.tel, a.standfee, to_char(a.telfeedate, 'yyyy')


sql: select * from a left inner join b on a.a=b.b right inner join c on a.a=c.c inner join d on a.a=d.d where .....



select (case when exists(select * from handle b where b.handleid = 1) then min(handleid) + 1 else 1 end) as handleid

from handle

where not handleid in (select a.handleid - 1 from handle a)


1 查詢某個庫中所有的表名字 select name from sysobjects where xtype u and name dtproperties order by name 2 得到資料庫中所有使用者檢視 select name from sysobjects where xtype v...


1.select語句語法 select語句的基本語法如下 select column1,column2,columnn from table name 這裡列1,列2.想獲取其值表的字段。如果想獲取在該字段的所有可用字段,那麼可以使用下面的語法 select from table name 2.in...


表的結構如下 mysql show create table person person create table person number int 11 default null,name varchar 255 default null,birthday date default null e...