
2021-05-25 10:58:30 字數 1150 閱讀 8198


declare @t table(id int primary key,col decimal(10,2))

insert into @t select 1,26

union all select 2,88

union all select 3,4

union all select 4,76

union all select 5,58

union all select 6,18

union all select 7,84


select des,cou = count(cou),num = cast(count(cou) as decimal(10,2))/b.cout  from(


cou = case when a.col <= 30 then 1

when a.col > 30 and a.col <= 60 then 2

else 3 end,

des = case when a.col <= 30 then 'col<=30'

when a.col > 30 and a.col <= 60 then '3060' end

from @t a ) a cross join (select cout = count(1) from @t ) b  group by des,b.cout


select a.des,cou=count(1),num = cast(count(1) as decimal(10,2))/c.cout from

(select sid = 1,leftnum = null,rightnum = 30,des = 'col<=30'

union all select sid = 2,leftnum = 30,rightnum =60,des = '3060'

) a left join @t b on (b.col <= a.rightnum or a.rightnum is null) and (b.col > a.leftnum or a.leftnum is null)

cross join (select cout = count(1) from @t ) c

group by a.des,c.cout

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