1. 完全全屏
在oninitdialog() 方法中呼叫如下**:
m_bfullscreen = false;
// call shinitdialog with flags for full screen.
shinitdlginfo shidi;
shidi.dwmask = shidim_flags;
shidi.dwflags = shidif_fullscreennomenubar;
shidi.hdlg = m_hwnd;
// todo: add extra initialization here.
//::commandbar_show(m_pwndemptycb->m_hwnd, false);
// shfullscreen fails if dialog box is not foreground.
shfullscreen(m_hwnd, shfs_hidetaskbar | shfs_hidesipbutton);
// resize the window over the taskbar area.
#define menu_height 26
rect rect;
rect.top -= menu_height;
movewindow(&rect, true);
上面一段**可以實現完全的全屏, 但是我使用的過程中發現對話方塊的標題欄消失了..不知道為什麼..
2. 客戶區全屏
chikconfigdlg configdlg;
crect rc;
setrect( &rc, 0, 0, getsystemmetrics( sm_cxscreen ), getsystemmetrics( sm_cyscreen ) );
// 用來隱藏選單欄的
//hwnd hcommandbarwnd = ::findwindoww( _t("menu_worker"), null );
//::commandbar_show(hcommandbarwnd, false);
::shfullscreen( configdlg.m_hwnd, shfs_hidetaskbar | shfs_hidestarticon | shfs_hidesipbutton );
::movewindow( configdlg.m_hwnd, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, false );
int_ptr nresponse = configdlg.domodal();
if ( nresponse == idok )
呼叫上面一段**, 建立的chikconfigdlg 對話方塊就是在客戶區內全屏的.
windows mobile 定製全屏視窗與選單欄
定製全屏視窗 定製全屏視窗 shinitdlginfo shidi hwnd hdlg m hwnd create a done button and size it.shidi.dwmask shidim flags shidi.dwflags shidif fullscreennomenubar...
Windows Mobile 全屏對話方塊
1.完全全屏 在oninitdialog 方法中呼叫如下 m bfullscreen false cdialog oninitdialog call shinitdialog with flags for full screen.shinitdlginfo shidi shidi.dwmask sh...
windows mobile下實現非全屏視窗顯示
切換到別的視窗再返回後,出現全屏顯示的問題,已解決。初始化中 將視窗居中顯示。實現方法 建立如下dialog,繼承它的dialog都是非全屏視窗。nonfsdialog.h pragma once cnonfsdialog dialog class cnonfsdialog public cdial...