
2021-04-21 10:47:34 字數 606 閱讀 1363

abap export data to excel summary


doiexport the data to excel

description: good performance

please read the documentfor detail below.

·excel - doi-example

2.ole export the data to excel

description:the performance is not good. 3.

function module


feature: can open the excel automatically

related fm: get_fieldtab


description: abap help example. ·


description: sap standard funcion



Excel 巨集導資料

解決工作過程中,經常性的從excel中匯入資料庫 sql資料庫 建立巨集 一般巨集都是這種樣子的 sub aaa end sub 把下列 放入巨集中 dim i,k as integer dim conpon,groupbugcode as string dim strsql as variant ...


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